Unless your medical insurance requires a GP referral you do not need to see your GP before coming to see our Worthing Chiropractors. Nearly all GPs will be quite happy for you to choose to have appropriate chiropractic treatment by our chiropractors at Park View Clinic. However, despite both The General Practitioners Committee and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommending chiropractic for low back pain not all GPs know enough about our profession to suggest it to you. There is also substantial research evidence supporting the use of chiropractic treatment for neck pain, whiplash injuries, headaches, migraines, shoulder pain, hip and knee arthritis, and more.

In general our Worthing Chiropractors enjoy a good working relationship with the more traditional medical professions and we regularly receive referrals from GPs, medical doctors and specialists.

We like to send your GP a letter outlining your reason for seeking chiropractic treatment with us and how we have got on. However, we will not do so unless you give your written consent.