Covid Secure Healthcare Practice

Updated July 19th 2021

As the safety, health and well-being of our patients, staff, families and friends are of paramount importance, we have in consultation with
the British Chiropractic Association
the Royal College of Chiropractors
the British Acupuncture Council
implemented the following practice changes:

for Patient Risk Status when appointment booking, protecting the vulnerable
symptom checking before entering the clinic
we Clinical Need Triage everyone with a risk status above ‘low’

Reduce clinic traffic
gaps between appointments
new patient registration and case history taking done over the phone prior to attending

To aid and maintain social distancing
compulsory face mask/covering for all visitors
visitors are asked to wait outside under our newly installed canopy or in their car until invited in.
control patient flow through the clinic
no reception seating
physical screening to protect reception staff and visitors

increased frequency cleaning and sanitising
treatment room surface and equipment sanitising between every patient

Personal Protection Equipment for practitioners
medical grade face masks
protective disposable aprons
disposable gloves
risk assess for visors

for in-clinic face-to-face appointments

Telephone and video consultations are available if you are vulnerable, not quite ready to face the outside world or just unable to go out.

Email a practitioner by clicking the relevant name below.

(Emails sent this way are not secure.)

Jan Olsen
Roger Cracknell
Sarah Cooper Olsen
Gill Carpenter
Massage/Sports Injury Therapy:
Lianne Baumfield

We hope to see you soon.
Stay safe and well.
From all of us at Park View.

UK Government Guidelines

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